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Title: What Does It Mean? "Man Comes To Know Himself",
                    and, "Who Are Our Brothers & Sisters?"
Date: October 8, 2002,
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. 

May God help us all.  My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

4.  Question 2: "Who Are Our Brothers And Sisters?"


We still don't understand how to see the true Sisters and Brothers within us (as the 1000 generosities of God within us), and how not to see them on the "outside" of us (as our physical brothers and sisters in the world that we currently see).


The answer is simple. Stop trying to do things like that. Stop trying to understand how you can do something, or not do something. That is not the way. Instead, join with you Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, to bring your life to an end, to bring you to the state of sabur, shakur, tawwakul, Al-hamdu lillah, and Allahu Akbar, the prerequisites of Islam, so what God has personally and every so lovingly placed within you can live within you, can begin to live within you, and come to maturity within you, which is "you" as "One with" God, which is the state of the Nur Muhammad within you, the seed of Iman, of True Man within you, which in maturity is Allah Muhammad within you, the seed of Islam, of God within you.

And in this way, become peaceful with your ending, as the "Seed of True Man" within you, revealing the "Tree of True Man" within you, which is Muhammadar Rasulullah, with the tap root of, "La illaha Ill Allahu", with the trunk of Iman, with the branches of the 124,000 Prophets of God, and the fruit of the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an. May we both do it like this, my dearest loving sister Rumi.

In this way, stop trying to do what only God within us can do, what only our Shaikh within us, and God within Him can do within us, what only our wisdom, and the truth of God within our wisdom can do within us, and instead, learn to live at the feet of God for this age, at the feet of your Shaikh, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within you (may God be pleased with Him), placing your faith and trust in God, and what God has provided for each of us in this age, as sufficient, as all that we need to move forward in our life, no matter who we are, no matter where we are, no matter what is happening on the "outside" of us.

We don't see our brothers and sister as the lights of God within us, as the 1000 Generosities of God within us, because we can't see them that way within us, because we are not in the state of the wisdom and truth of God that can see them in that way within us, because "us" as "separate from" God cannot do the work of "us" as "One with" God.

We can't do this work, this work of "Oneness with" God within us, because "we" have become One with the lives of "separation and differences" within us, in the world of darkness within us, and as a result, we can only do that kind of work both "inside" of us, and "outside" of us, the work of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God, on the "outside" of us. Because that is our current state, the state of "separation and differences" as the sifat or form of the dunya or earth world.

Only God within us, only True Man within us, only "us" in the state of "Oneness with" God within us, can do this work of "Oneness with" God within us, because all of this work of "Oneness with" God within us is about what God, as One with True Man within us, is doing within us, and is about what True Man, as One with God within us, is doing within us, which is awakening God to God within us, and awakening True Man to True Man within us. It is not about "us" living and believing that we exist "separate from" God, and "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God.

In this way, our brothers and sisters as the Lights of God within us have nothing to do with us, with anything that we are doing, as "separate from" God.

These light of God within us have only to do with God within us and with True Man within us, which can never be a part of us, until we stop nourishing our life of "separation and differences" with our thoughts of "separation and differences", rather than joining with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, in everything that we do, in everything that we say, in everything that we think and intend.

That is our work, wanting Them, wanting our Shaikh within us, and God within Him, wanting Them, to finish what They have already started within us, which is to tell the story of True Man within the story of God within us, and to tell the story of God within the story of True Man within us, for us to put down our life as "separate from" Them,
and as "separate from" what
They are doing within us, and for us to pick up Them
within us, and what
They are doing within us, and to join with Them within us, and to join in what They are doing within us.

And to hand all that we have to Them within us, which is every that is "separate from"
within us, everything that in our ignorance we have become one with within us, which is truth is everything that "separates us" from Them within us, to hand all of "us" on the "outside" of us to Them, which includes all of the relationships with our brothers and sisters on the "outside" of us,  so They can again separate it from
but this time within us, in this way, and only in this way, making "us" and

This is our work, my dearest loving sister Rumi, joining Them in Their work "inside" of us, in our every look, thought, intention, sound, smell, taste, touch, word, and action,
not wanting
to live "separate from" Them and "separate from" what They are doing within us, not wanting to see our brothers and sisters "outside" of us as the Lights of God within us. That is a waste of time. It is only keeping "you" as "separate from" God alive within you.

The trick is for "you" to do your work correctly, which is for "you" to do nothing in the world alone, without Them, which is to make all of your work in the world, Their work, the work of "you" joined as One with Them, with your Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, so you as joined as One with Them can do Your work correctly, which is bringing to judgment all of the lives of darkness within you, which They can only do when you are done or finished with these lives of darkness within you, finished using these lives to live in the world "outside" of you, as "separate from" Them, when you are done or finished with the lives of darkness within you, that you are continually
with your sins, with your life of "separation and differences" in the world that you see as existing "outside" of you, and that you are done or finished with "you", with your life as "separate from", which includes all of your personal relationships with the lives of your brothers and sisters in the world "outside" of you, that you are done or finished with all of "you" as "separate from" God, both "inside" and "outside" of you.

In this way, what the lights within us are doing within us, are not about "us" as "separate from" God, are not about "us" awakening to God. They are about "us" as "separate from" God ending, coming to an end within us, and "us" as "One with" God beginning within us, coming to maturity within us.

In this way, God in ignorance of Himself within us is the "True Disciple" within us, and God awakened within us, as the Triple Flame of God within us - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - is the True Shaikh within us, which is the Nur Muhammad and the Qutb of God within us, that emerges out of the Power of God within us, and reveals God to God within us, when we realize, understand, accept, and join with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him), allowing "us" as "separate from" God within us to end within us, and "us" as "One with" God within us to begin and come to maturity within us.

In this way, God awakened within us is what awakens God asleep within us, God awakened within us is the Nur and the Qutb of God within us, is what raises the "True Disciple" within us, or God asleep within us, and guides Him back to God within us, by answering the question that God asked of God in anathi within us, the question, "Who am I?".

And God having awakened to God within us is our wisdom within our wisdom within us, God as the Shaikh within our Shaikh within us, as our divine luminous wisdom within our divine analytic wisdom within us, as the wisdom of the Nur Muhammad within us within the wisdom of the Qutb of God within us, as the truth of God within us within the wisdom of God within us, as our connection to worship God hidden within our connection to God within us.

And it is our trusting and our loving in Them within us, in the Nur Muhammad and the
Qutb of God within us, and in what They are doing within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us, that makes everything work properly within us, not us wanting to be awakened to God, or to see our brothers and sisters as light of God within us, not us wanting anything, anything that would prevent our current life, our life of "separation from" God from coming to an end immediately within us, and anything that would prevent all of the lives of darkness within us from coming to judgment within us.

This is what must really die within us, the lives of darkness that we have raised in our ignorance of "who we are", of "where we are", and of "what is happening" in our life.

For they are the real reason that we have a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, in order to feed them as we sin, and they are the real reason that we see our brothers and sisters as personal relationships on the "outside" of us, so we can sin, so we can sin in our personal lives of hell, as mothers, and fathers, as husbands and wives, as children and grandchildren, as friends and lovers, as workers or employers, and as people we work, pray, play, and die with.

All of these personal relationships "outside" of us are the sins of "separation and differences" that keep all of the lives of darkness within us alive, and prevent the light of God within us, from completing what God and True Man have started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us.

And instead of these personal relationships "outside" of us, it is our trusting and loving in Them alone within us, in our Shaikh within us, and in God within Him, that allows our true life to move forward within us, that allows our soul to journey back into the Oneness that is God and True Man within us.

In this way, this is what makes our life successful, this is what allows our wisdom to reason over our fate, what allows our inner qualities to be victorious our outer qualities, our faith and trust in God alone within, our loving in God alone within us, not our trusting and loving in our brothers and sisters that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, not our trusting in what we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

For it is this faith and trust in Them alone within us, this love of Them alone within us, that allows Them to move our life forward, that allows the Qutb of Allah to emerge from within us, from within "us" as "separate from" God within us, which is really anathi within us, the time of darkness and lack of understanding within us, which is really the
Qutb of Allah
emerging from within the state of anathi within us, from within the time of darkness or lack of understanding, within us, as the Qutb of God, as the Guru of God, to teach God within us, "what He needs to know", to complete His journey back into the "Oneness God and True Man" within us, which is God and True Man within us.

To teach the "True Disciple" of God in anathi within us, who He is, to answer His question in anathi within us, in the time of darkness or lack of understanding within us, which is truly "us" in the state of "separation and differences" within us, trusting and living in our personal relationship with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, to answer His question, the question that God asked of God within us, the question, "Who am I?".

And the answer to His question, which in truth is "our" question, is,

          "First you are the iman of God within you, the complete, unshakable, absolute
          faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, then you are the
          wisdom of God within you, then you are the direct connection to God within You,
          the eyes of God, the 99 wilayat of God, the grace of the Dhat or Essence of God
          within you, then you are the truth of God hidden by God within that wisdom,
          hidden by God within that direct connection to God, the truth of the journey of
          God back into God,

          "Bawa, Ill Allahu" - You are Allah,
          "Bawa, La illaha" - Only God exists. There is nothing other than God,
          "Bawa, Muhammad Mustafa' al-Rasul, Salla Allah 'alayhi wa-sallam" -
          Muhammad or True Man is the Chosen Messenger of Allah, God bless Him
          and grant Him peace,
          "Bawa, You are True Man",
          "Bawa, He is One".

          "Then you are True Prayer within you, as the sifat or form of the Dhat, then you
          are the True Prayer, the Love Song, between the One within the Triple Flame of
          God and the One within the 99 wilayat of God, the One within the actions, duty,
          and qualities of God, then you are True Man within the Creation of God within
          you, then you are God within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you
          are the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you. This is who you are!"

And within that True Prayer, all that has separate from God is separated from You, and the only thing that remains is Allah, is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God with us, and which is True Man within us.

For as Bawa teaches us about True Prayer,

          "Just as everything born in the world must die, just as everything that has
          appeared in the world must disappear, (so too), if One is truly in prayer, (then)
          everything that has manifested within him must die in that prayer. (Only) that is
          true prayer."

          "(In this way), when One (truly) prays to God, when One (truly) worships God,
          (then) everything that has appeared within him must die."

          (Quote is from the book, "Dhikr: The Remembrance of God", and in the Bawa
          Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar for November, 2002)


In this way, allowing the Nur to emerge out of the power of God in anathi, out of the time of darkness within us, the time of lack of understanding within us, establishing
within us, establishing the time of light within us, the time of understanding within us, and in this way, differentiating the darkness of anathi into the 7 heavens of God and the 7 hells of God as aathi and the sifat or form of the dunya , allowing the Qutb, the Nur, and God within us to become the Alif, the Effulgence of Allah.


Allahu Akbar. Al-hamdu lillah. What a beautiful explanation.

Our stumbling block is: it is not about "us" awakening to God.

(Rather, it is about "us" as "separate from" God ending within us, coming to an end within us, and it is about "us" as "One with" God beginning within us, and coming to maturity within us, and in  this way, awakening to God within us)


Yes, it is not about "us" as "separate from" God awakening to God. Rather, it is about "us" as "separate from" God coming to an end within us.

That is the hard part of it, letting who we already are go, letting what we have already spent all of our life growing, developing, maturing, and collecting, from the age of 2 until now, die within us, come to an end within us, before we physically die.

So who we truly are, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, can be realize, before we die, like an apple seed buried in the earth must die, to its life of "separation from" the earth, and instead realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth that emerges from within it, the truth that,

          "It is an apple seed, that it is buried in the earth, and that the earth contains
          everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow."

In this way, for the apple seed to be successful in its life time, it must join as one with the earth and germinate, before it dies, if its true story is to be told, which is the story of the apple tree hidden within the story of the apple, and the story of the apple hidden within the story of the apple tree.

For as Bawa teaches us in the book, "Islam And World Peace: Explanations of a Sufi", and in the "Glossary" of that book, on page 153, for the word "Rasul", our life is not about "us" as "separate from" God, it is not about "us" and our brothers and sisters living "outside" of us, but rather, it is about "us", joined as "One with" God within us, it is about "us" joined as One with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, and in this way, allowing,

          "The Rasul of Allah, the Dhat or Essence of God within us, to emerge out of the
          Effulgence of Allah as the Resplendence of Allah within us, shining radiantly as
          the Messenger of God, as the manifestation of God which discourses on the
          explanations of luminous wisdom to Allah's Creations within us".

And in this way, revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, allowing True Man to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, and in this way, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God within us, and in this way, answering God's question to God within anathi within us, the question, "Who am I?"


And the fact that it, that "what is happening" within you, is not about "you" as "separate from" God, is not a stumbling block. Rather, it is a sign post pointing to the truth within you, the truth about "who you are" within you, which is being hidden by "you" from "you", that is being hidden by the lives of darkness within you, from the lives of light within you, that is being hidden by the lives of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, from the life of the soul, the life of "Oneness with" God within you, that is being hidden by the falsehood about "who you are", from the truth about "who you are".

Remember, there is only One. The real stumbling block is the "veil of thought" or
karma that hides your wisdom from you, that keeps your soul crucified on the cross of your elemental body, that keeps you busy thinking about you, on the "outside" of you, and thinking about all of your brothers and sisters that you see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you, as existing "outside" of you as "separate from" God, as "separate from" you, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within you.

Rather than you thinking about your Shaikh and God within you, rather than you thinking about what your Shaikh within you, and God within Him, are doing within you, rather than the great journey of your soul from and back into God within you, originally finding itself in the state of ignorance, in ignorance of God within you, but always trying to move back into God, to again understand "who it is".

If "you" will but let it, if you will but join with your wisdom and the truth of God within you, if you will but join with your Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, gradually allowing the soul, and the soul within the soul, to understand "who it is", as it moves along this journey of the soul within you, always deepening its understanding of "who it is", and of "who iman is", and of "who wisdom is", and of "who truth is", and of "who True Man is", and of "who God is", and of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you.


Yes, now we understand. Al-hamdu lillah.


We meant to say, now we understand where we go wrong. Al-hamdu lillah.


So if the only stumbling block is Karma, then how do we overcome our karma, how do we cut through this "veil of thought" that hides us from our wisdom, from our Shaikh within us, and from God within Him, preventing Them from completing what They have already started within us?

And their is only one answer, and that answer is God, God's help, so we must call God before we do anything, or it is just karma, and for this age, the name of God is
and "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" and "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him).


All directions, all branches lead always back to the same point, to the same solution or answer: Allah and Bawa.


Al-hamdu lillah, this is ambrosia for the soul.


Your only measure of success is how many times each day you start what you are doing with God, with Bawa within you, and with God within Him.

Whether it is waking up, lying in bed, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, eating, walking, going to the store, watching television, talking to other people, reading a book, praying, or just hanging out, don't do it alone.

That is the hell of your life, doing anything alone. And the only salvation is doing it with Bawa, and with God within Him. The choice is always yours, not God and not Bawa's. It is always your choice.

What more can Bawa and God do for you, They have given you everything. Now you have to decide, in each moment of your day, which state of consciousness within you are your going to nourish, either your soul, your wisdom, your life of light, your life of "Oneness with" God, or your body, your mind and desire, your world, your brothers and sisters, your life of darkness, your life of "separation from" God.

You will reap what you sow. For as Bawa teaches us,

          "The justice of God is that whatever you intend is what you will receive".

So "Intend as God intends", intend that you as "separate from" God be destroyed within you, come to an end within you, and intend that you as "One with" God be revealed within you, come to maturity within you, and invite Bawa within you, and God within Him, to complete God's intention within you, by calling Bawa into action, both "inside" and "outside" of you, by saying the word "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen"
"Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" on the "outside" of you (may God be pleased with Him).

Stop thinking about Rumi, as "separate from" God, as "separate from" your bothers and sisters, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within you, and instead, spend your life at the feet of God within you, which is your Shaikh within you, as His slave, looking for His face in everything that you say or do, looking for His taste in everything that you say or do.

Stop looking at the world "outside" of you, and at your brothers and sisters "outside" of you, and especially stop looking at Rumi, as "separate from" God "outside" of you. May we both do it like this. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Enough?


God willing, may we do it like this. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Yes enough, we feel full and satisfied with God's grace.


Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. May God help us all.

Please give my love and salams to all of our brothers and sisters, please tell them that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves them very, very much, and please share this sharing with them. Only then will it truly be yours.

Please do this wisdom duty, my dearest loving sister Rumi, and in this way, make your life and understanding Bawa's "Common Wealth".

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)


With Bawa's help we will. Al-hamdu lillah. My love you (anbu) - Rumi

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